We've had amazing desert light shows most evenings. They don't last long but they are spectacular while they do. This is one when the sky threatened, but did not carry out the threat, of a thunderstorm. A splatter of rain through the dusty haze is all we got. But what a light show it created!
This is another picture of the same storm. It just got better and brighter. Finally a combination of wind, dust, and just a bit of rain, drove me inside. But I came away with these pictures to share.
I have an interesting observation to make about the humans in my town. Only a handful, in all the years I've taken these photos, are curious about what I'm photographing. It's almost like they literally cannot see the beauty. A handful of special people do. If they see me, they'll come out an comment and sometimes rate the sunset. Most of the time, they, and me, simple watch the desert light show unable to critique it at all. Too lost in all that beauty and light to comment!